
This is an old revision of the document!

The Voximal module package install :

  • Voximal V14.x

Supported Linux Distribs :

  • Linux Centos 6 32/64bit
  • Linux Centos 7 32/64bit
  • Linux Ubuntu 14.0
  • Linux Debian 8 32/64bit
  • Linux Raspbian 8 Arm


  • Asterisk 1.6 … 14.beta
  • FreePBX 12-13 for the GUI/Web configuration interface)
  • Xivo (tests)
  • Elsatix (tests)

Note : You need to disable linuxSE (if you already installed Asterisk it should already done).

Note : You need the tar and gzip tools already installed on your server.


  1. You need to be root to process the installation.
  2. Untar the package.
  3. Enter in the directory voximal* created.
  4. Execute the script and follow the instructions (generaly answer 'y' for each questions).
  5. Restart your Asterisk,.
  6. When done, you see a new application (CLI> voximal show version).
  7. If you use FreePBX you will see a new items in the web interface to manage the Voximal Application.
[root]# ./
Module found:
--- Voximal V14.0 Installation ---
Creating directories
Installing binaries
Installing VoiceXML examples
Installing default voximal.conf
Installing libraries
Installing Voximal module for asterisk
Installing additional sounds
User asterisk exists, set permissions
Restarting asterisk...............................................
--- Voximal V14.0 installation has finished ---

If you installation uses the FreePBX interface, you can manage the Voximal configuration/using from there.

Follow the links :

In this mode you had install the Voximal in a standard Asterisk. So you need to configure a dialplan to use the Voximal application.

Follow the links :

You have two simple ways to test and validate your installation :

  • installation_guide/voximal.1478553295.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/11/07 21:14
  • by borja