
This is an old revision of the document!

Installation of Voximal

In order to install Voximal, you need a Linux 32 or 64 bit server.

Download the latest version of Voximal (called Voxibot) as a .tar.gz package from:

Note : You need the tar and gzip tools already installed on your server.


  1. You need to be root to process the installation.
  2. Change the perission to execute the installer script (chmod +x script).
  3. Execute the script and follow the instructions (generaly answer 'y' for each questions).
  4. When done, connect to https://myserver/admin - you will be asked for login.
  5. Login using as user user password user.

Screen shot:

[root]# ./

Version V1.x.x

Version V1.x.x installed
Updating V1.x.x -> V1.x.x

Installation Telephony          [  OK  ]
Installation Framework          [  OK  ]
Installation Interpreter        [  OK  ]
Installation Ressources         [  OK  ]

Installation complete

To access the Web interface browse to :
   http://<your_machine_ip>/admin (login 'user' and password 'user')

  • installation_guide/installation/start.1452239276.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/01/08 07:47
  • by borja