
This is an old revision of the document!

Installation of Voximal

In order to install Voximal, you need a Centos 6 64bit server.

Download the latest version of Voximal as a .tar.gz package from:

You need the tar and gzip tools already installed on your server.


  1. Change the perission to execute the installer script (chmod +x script).
  2. Execute the script and follow the instructions (generaly answer 'y' for each questions).
  3. When done, connect to https://myserver/admin - you will be asked for login.
  4. Login using as user user password user.

Screen shot:

[root@server voxibot.V1.x.x]# ./

Version V1.x.x

Version V1.x.x installed
Updating V1.x.x -> V1.x.x

Installation Telephony          [  OK  ]
Installation Framework          [  OK  ]
Installation Interpreter        [  OK  ]
Installation Ressources         [  OK  ]

Installation complete

To access the Web interface browse to :
   http://<your_machine_ip>/admin (login 'user' and password 'user')

[root@server  voxibot.V1.x.x]#
  • installation_guide/installation/start.1452156435.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/01/07 08:47
  • by borja