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Configuration of Voximal

All the configuration is managed throw a web interface based on the FreePBX project. To access to the web interface, open the link http://your_server_address.

It's protected by a login.

After installation there are 3 default login, with differents access permissions

  • user : access to Voximal configuration and reports.
  • admin : user access and network configuration
  • root : all access.

Each login has a default login, that can be updated with the root account.

– add screenshot –

To configure the Voximal IVR you have 3 steps to do :

  1. Configure the operator access (SIP accounts)
  2. Configure the relation between the DID and the VoiceXML service you want to use (Number configuration)
  3. Create VoiceXML service (Voximal accounts)

You can create a SIP trunk with an operator with the page Connectivity/SIP Accounts. You have to enter informations :

  • A trunk name : a string to identify you accounts
  • The peers details : enter all trunk informations (host, username, password, type)
  • Register informations : enter registry informations like :

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Firstly, you have to define wich application you want to use by default for all incoming calls. It's done by defining the any DID/any CID or All DIDs settings in Connectivity/Routes page.

  1. Select All DIDs item (on top right corner)
  2. Leave empty Field DID Number
  3. Select the application to use : Voximal Application
    • You can select an existing application
    • Or create a new one by clicking Add new Voximal application
  • installation_guide/configuration/start.1449503123.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/12/07 15:45
  • by extern