

Properties are used to set values that affect platform behavior. Properties apply to their parent element and all the descendants of the parent. A property at a lower level overrides a property at a higher level. Additional properties are supported with Call Control extensions.

The following are the DTMF recognition properties:


This property indicates the timeout period allowed between each digit when recognizing DTMF input. The default is 3 seconds.


This property determines the terminating timeout to use when recognizing DTMF input. Allows entering the optional termchar. The default is 0 seconds.


This property is the terminating DTMF character for DTMF input recognition. The default is #.

The following are the speech recognition properties:


This property defines the threshold of the speech recognition confidence level. Values range from 0.0 (minimum confidence) to 1.0 (maximum confidence). User inputs are ignored if the confidence level is below this threshold. The default is 0.5.


The sensitivity property defines the sensitivity level to input. Values range from 0.0 (the least sensitive to background noise) to 1.0 (highly sensitive to noise input). The default is 0.5.


This property indicates the length of silence required following user speech, before the speech recognizer finalizes a result, either accepting it or throwing a nomatch event. The complete timeout is used when the speech result is a complete match of an active grammar. The default is 1 second.


The incompletetimeout property is used when the speech is an incomplete match to an active grammar. The default is 1 second.


The maxspeechtimeout property is the maximum duration of user speech. If the time designated has elapsed before the user stops speaking, the maxspeechtimeout event is thrown. The default is 0 and indicates no limit.


The maxnbest property is the maximum number of N-Best results returned by the recognizer. This also represents the maximum size of the application.lastresult$[i] array.

The following are the prompt and collect properties:


The input modes determines which input methods to use. The value is a space-separated list of input methods.

The default is dtmf voice:

  • “dtmf” - allows DTMF sequences as input.
  • “voice” - allows voice as input.


The timeout is the time after which the interpreter throws a noinput event. This property is not used in DTMF interactions. The default is 10 seconds.


The universals property specifies universal commands. The value is a space-separated list of the following commands. You can designate none for nothing or all for all 3 commands.

This property is not supported yet.

  • cancel - throws the cancel event.
  • exit - throws the exit event.
  • help - throws the help event.


Enables user input during prompts if set to true. No barge-in if set to false. The default is true.


The bargeintype property specifies the barge-in type listed below.

This property is not supported yet.

  • energy - any noise can barge in the prompt.
  • speech - any user utterance can barge in the prompt.
  • recognition - only barge-in on the prompt when the user input matches a speech grammar.

The following are the fetching properties:


This property defines when audio files can be fetched:

  • prefetch – the file can be fetched when the document is loaded.
  • safe – the file is fetched only when needed, never before prefetch.


This property defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached audio resources.


Use this property to define the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached audio resources.


Promptmax age defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached TTS audio resources.


This property defines the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached TTS audio resources.


The documentfetchhint defines when a document can be fetched:

  • prefetch – the file can be fetched when the document is loaded.
  • safe – the file is fetched only when needed, never before prefetch.


This property defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached documents.


Documentmaxstale defines the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached documents.


This property defines when grammar files can be fetched.

This property is not supported yet.

  • prefetch – the file can be fetched when the document is loaded.
  • safe - the file is fetched only when needed, never before prefetch.


This defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached grammar resources.

This property is not supported yet.


Grammarmaxstyle defines maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached grammar resources.

This property is not supported yet.


This property defines when objects can be fetched:

  • prefetch - the file can be fetched when the document is loaded.
  • safe - the file is fetched only when needed, never before prefetch.


Objectmax age defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached object resources.


This property defines the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached object resources.


The scriptfetchhint property defines when script files can be fetched:

  • prefetch - the file can be fetched when the document is loaded.
  • safe - the file is fetched only when needed, never before prefetch.


This property defines the maximum acceptable age, in seconds, of cached script resources.


This property defines the maximum staleness, in seconds, of expired cached script resources.


Fetchaudiodefines the URI of audio to play while waiting for a document to be fetched.


This property defines the timeout for fetches. The default is 7.

The following properties are specific to the Voximal VoiceXML browser platform and they are useful for debugging purposes. This property is not yet available.

  • developer_guide/voicexml_references/properties/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/10/13 21:27
  • by borja