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System Requirements

Home > System Requirements

For a single-server setup, we recommend a SGI/Rackable Server configured as follows:

  • CPU Intel/AMD Pentium III 2 GHz (minimum)
  • RAM 1 Gb per core for IVR, 2 Gb per core for IVVR
  • HDD/SSD 16 Gb (minimun)
  • Motherboard with 533MHz/800MHz system bus support
  • Ethernet Network board (with Mac Address)
  • TDM Digium E1/T1 or any other Asterisk compatible board

Make sure that your servers are installed and equipped with all the required hardware.

  • 2x cores 30 ports / IVVR server … 60 ports / IVR server
  • 4x cores 60 ports / IVVR server … 120 ports / IVR server
  • 8x cores 120 ports / IVVR server … 240 ports / IVR server

Please check that other hardware installed on your server (such as network adapter, RAID controller, etc.) is supported by the Linux distribution that you use.

The Vxi VoiceXML browser runs on most modern Linux Operating Systems (Debian, CentOS, Ubuntu, Redhat, Mandrake, Suse, Fedora, etc). However, it may be difficult for a novice system administrator to install and configure the operating system to meet all of the requirements and provide the best performance. Installing all the software could also prove to be a time-consuming task. We provide a seamless way to perform a complete server installation from scratch, in less than 15 minutes. The installation uses tar.gz packages and bash scripts.

Vxi binaries packages are available the following Linux Master distributions:

Other compliant Linux distributions:

Distribution Package Website

Vxi uses Debian distribution to generate all packages provided. Most packages built are specifically configured by default for this Linux OS.

There are two versions of the package that are available:

  • “32bit i686” package, compiled with GCC 4.x
  • “64bit i686” package, compiled with GCC 4.x

Disable the SELinux. It can lock the library loading.
You can use '/usr/sbin/setenforce 0' before launching the Vxi VoiceXML browser.

You can install and run Vxi on a virtual machine for any production, development and testing system.

Vxi has been successfully tested over:

  • VMware
  • Amazon EC2
  • Proxmox

Vxi requires a significant amount of system resources and virtualization can reduce system performance when running in a virtual environment. We recommend to run voice recognition and text-to-speech on a separate server because they are very CPU-intensive and require real-time system resources and RAM, along with any audio or media requirements of a caller session, such as dialog prompts or playing of pre-recorded audio file.

Depending on the virtual environment management, there can be issues with using cloned images, virtual network stacks, installation issues, and licensing problems.

  • vxi_installation_guide/system_requirements/start.1392578132.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/07/28 22:29
  • (external edit)