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Be careful, respect the order for starting and stopping the full VoiceXML modules :

To start the platform orderly:

  • Start Dahdi (optional)
  • Start VXI
  • Start Asterisk

To stop it, orderly :

  • Stop Asterisk
  • Stop VXI
  • Stop Dahdi (optional)

To start the dahdi driver:

# /etc/init.d/dahdi start

To stop the dahdi driver:

# /etc/init.d/dahdi stop

The VoiceXML browser software is installed in /usr/sbin and /usr/lib/openvxi. The VoiceXML browser setup script on Linux is /etc/init.d/openvxi. The openvxi script calls the /usr/sbin/safe_openvxi executable that functions as a monitor and auto-loader for your VoiceXML browser system. This safe_openvxi starts VoiceXML browser and monitors it to make sure it is still running. If the VoiceXML browser process dies, the script will attempt to restart it.

# /etc/init.d/openvxi start

To stop the VXI* deamon:

# /etc/init.d/openvxi stop


This startup script runs only for Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions, please modify or install a correct this script file to launch correctly Vxi from other Linux systems. We provide a script to start the actual, AsteriskNOW linux distribution from Digium.

For production setups, we use safe_asterisk wrapper to catch any asterisks error, avoiding to restart asterisk manualy. This script will start a new asterisk instance when asterisk process is missing. So if you really want to stop asterisk, you must stop safe_asterisk script first.

Start asterisk: (just call the wrapper)


Stop asterisk:

#killall -9 safe_asterisk && asterisk -x 'core stop gracefully'


On production server there can be a CRON command line restarting asterisk automatically each morning, using safe_asterisk is mandatory. Check with ā€œ#crontab -lā€, if there is any asterisk killall commands related with asterisk.

  • vxi_installation_guide/quickstart/start.1392578712.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/07/28 22:29
  • (external edit)