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installation_guide:debug:start [2016/11/07 21:38] borjainstallation_guide:debug:start [2024/02/19 16:10] (current) – [Coredump generators] borja
Line 15: Line 15:
 CLI> voximal debug interpreter CLI> voximal debug interpreter
 </code> </code>
 +==== View the traces flow ===
 +Execute :
 +root# tail -f /var/log/voximal/debug.log
 +With colors :
 +root# tail -f /var/log/voximal/debug.log | ccze -A
 ==== Generate a normal stop ==== ==== Generate a normal stop ====
Line 33: Line 47:
 < exit|result=ok < exit|result=ok
 +==== Powerful top monitor ====
 +Use the "htop" tool : 
 +htop -p $(pidoff voximald)
 +  1  [                          0.0%]   Tasks: 33, 29 thr; 1 running
 +  2  [|                         0.7%]   Load average: 0.51 0.28 0.30
 +  3  [                          0.0%]   Uptime: 3 days, 01:39:39
 +  4  [                          0.0%]
 +  Mem[|||                 175M/3.91G]
 +  Swp[|                  31.8M/7.81G]
 +  PID USER      PRI  NI  VIRT   RES   SHR S CPU% MEM%   TIME+  Command
 +    1 root       20    199M  3316  2208 S  0.0  0.1  0:02.58 /sbin/init
 +18890 root       20   0 56440  4164  3360 S  0.0  0.1  0:00.02 `- /lib/systemd/s
 +18891 root       20    224M  1316     0 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.00 |  `- (sd-pam)
 +  409 root       20   0 81156  1236  1068 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.95 `- /usr/lib/postf
 +14487 postfix    20   0 83224  5088  4320 S  0.0  0.1  0:00.00 |  `- pickup -l -
 +  412 postfix    20   0 83388  1916  1648 S  0.0  0.0  0:00.30 |  `- qmgr -l -t
 +  308 root       20    350M 24556 19196 S  0.0  0.6  0:05.93 `- /usr/sbin/apac
 +30788 www-data   20    350M  6752  1384 S  0.0  0.2  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/a
 +30787 www-data   20    350M  6752  1384 S  0.0  0.2  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/a
 +30786 www-data   20    350M  6752  1384 S  0.0  0.2  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/a
 +30785 www-data   20    350M  6752  1384 S  0.0  0.2  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/a
 +30784 www-data   20    350M  6752  1384 S  0.0  0.2  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/a
 +  263 mysql      28    670M 38608  1668 S  0.0  0.9  1:55.94 `- /usr/sbin/mysq
 + 2808 mysql      20    670M 38608  1668 S  0.0  0.9  0:00.00 |  `- /usr/sbin/m
 +F1Help  F2Setup F3SearchF4FilterF5SortedF6CollapF7Nice -F8Nice +F9Kill  F10Quit
 +==== Powerful SIP traffic monitor ====
 +Use the "sngrep" tool : 
 +                                      xINVITE sip:0970265644@
 +        xuser=phone SIP/2.0
 +          qqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqq        xVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;br
 +  22:22:36.632419          INVITE (Sxch=z9hG4bKk5efg100aob0k0be5og0.1
 +        +0.000994   x qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqxMax-Forwards: 66
 +  22:22:36.633413           100 TryixFrom: <sip:0677379042@;user
 +        +0.048311   x <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqxhone>;tag=1c1397877903
 +  22:22:36.681724          200 OK (SxTo:
 +        +0.085629   x <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqxCall-ID: SDk6upe02-efa980599ffc4b83e9221
 +  22:22:36.767353               ACK xec76ea708-v300g00030
 +        +8.759074   x qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqxCSeq: 1 INVITE
 +  22:22:45.526427               BYE xContact: <sip:;maddr
 +        +0.000527   x qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqx28.140.150.200>
 +  22:22:45.526954             200 OKxSupported: sdp-anat
 +                    x <qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqxAllow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,OPTIONS
 +                    x                 xP-Asserted-Identity: <sip:0677379042@172
 +                    x                 x7.28.229;user=phone>
 +                    x                 xContent-Type: application/sdp
 +                    x                 xContent-Length: 435
 +                    x                 xP-Early-Media: supported
 +                    x                 xP-Access-Network-Info: GSTN;operator-spe
 +                                      x
 +Esc Calls List   Enter Raw   Space Compare   F1 Help   F2 SDP   F3 RTP   F4 Exte
 +==== Asterisk Manager traffic monitor ====
 +Use the "ngrep" tool : 
 +ngrep -d lo -s 1500 port 5038 -T
 +==== Monitor memory/CPU ====
 +A very simple way to follow the memory and CPU indicators :
 +root# top -b -d 5 -p $(pidof voximald) | awk -v OFS="," '$1+0>0 {print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),$1,$NF,$5,$6,$7,$9,$10; fflush() }' | tee datas.csv
 </code> </code>
 ==== Valgrid using ==== ==== Valgrid using ====
-Start the voximald process with Valgrid+The Asterisk module launch the interpreter by defaut, you need to disable it to be able to run the voximald process with Valgrid
 +To disable the Voximal launch from the Asterisk module edit and add this option in the voximal.conf : 
 <code> <code>
-#root valgrind  --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --log-file="logfile.out" /usr/sbin/openvxi -channels 2 -config /etc/openvxi/client.cfg+[general] 
 </code> </code>
 +Start the voximald process with Valgrid :
 +#root valgrind  --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --log-file="logfile.out" /usr/sbin/voximald -channels 1 -config /etc/openvxi/client.cfg -user asterisk -group asterisk
 +And run the Asterisk.
 +asterisk -cvvvvv -U asterisk -G asterisk -g
 +==== VoiceXML Log levels ====
 +Format :
 +  Diagnostic  
 +  date/time | threadID | sessionID or mark | tagID | subtag | text
 +  Error 
 +  date/time | threadID | sessionID or -1 | 0 | severity | modulename | errorID | errorText | appends
 +  Event 
 +  date/time | threadID | sessionID | EVENT | 0|evenID | appends
 +Logging example :
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessBegin Locked
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessEnd Unlock
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4000|SBjsiGetVar|exiting: returned 0, 0x7f82daeb34e0 (0x7f82d419a750)
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|8002|fr.ulex.vxi|VXI::assign_element(set value : id=08facd13i9e0q9o1m4vav8ghvn8tbagn21bfcb5)
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|5001|VXIpromptWait|VXIprompt
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|5001|VXIpromptWait|Waiting PROMPT
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|5001|VXIpromptWait|EVT < 1 : prompt|session=1|item=1|result=ok
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|8002|fr.ulex.vxi|VXI::DoInnerJump()
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4000|SBjsiCheckVar|entering: 0x7f82d412af00, '$_internalName_31627'
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4004|JsiContext::CheckVar|Check variable $_internalName_31627, context 0x7f82d41656e0
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessBegin Lock
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessBegin Locked
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessEnd Unlock
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4000|SBjsiCheckVar|exiting: returned 0
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4000|SBjsiCheckVar|entering: 0x7f82d412af00, '$_internalName_31628'
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|0_1_1540337949.313|4004|JsiContext::CheckVar|Check variable $_internalName_31628, context 0x7f82d41656e0
 +Oct 23 23:39:12.35|0x7f82daebb700|-1|4002||AccessBegin Lock
 +The default log bases (used to define tagIDs) :
 +client.cache.diagLogBase                    VXIInteger  2000
 +client.inet.diagLogBase                     VXIInteger  3000
 +client.jsi.diagLogBase                      VXIInteger  4000
 +client.prompt.diagLogBase                   VXIInteger  5000
 +client.rec.diagLogBase                      VXIInteger  6000                      VXIInteger  7000
 +client.vxi.diagLogBase                      VXIInteger  8000
 +client.object.diagLogBase                   VXIInteger  9000
 +client.client.diagLogBase                   VXIInteger  10000
 +=== Interet connector ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*SBinet">
 +    <diag tag="0">SBinet: API trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">SBinet: Channel diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="2">SBinet: Stream diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="3">SBinet: Cookie diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="4">SBinet: Validator diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="5">SBinet: Cache diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="6">SBinet: Timing diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="10">SBinet: Dump HTTP requests and responses </diag>
 +=== Cache ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*SBcache">
 +    <diag tag="0">SBcache: API trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">SBcache: Cache manager diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="2">SBcache: Cache entry diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="3">SBcache: Cache stream diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="4">SBcache: Cache entry table mutex diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="5">SBcache: Cache entry mutex diagnostics </diag>
 +=== EcmaScript interpreter ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*SBjsi">
 +    <diag tag="0">SBjsi: API trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">SBjsi: JavaScript context diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="2">SBjsi: JavaScript garbage collection trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="4">SBjsi: JavaScript scope diagnostics </diag>
 +    <diag tag="200">SBjsi: Native ScriptEase error messages </diag>
 +    <diag tag="201">SBjsi: ScriptEase debug log messages </diag>
 +=== Client main ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*OSBclient">
 +    <diag tag="0">OSBclient: API trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">OSBclient: Component names and versions </diag>
 +    <diag tag="2">OSBclient: General diagnostics </diag>
 +=== Objects ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*OSBobject">
 +    <diag tag="0">OSBobject: API trace </diag>
 +=== VoiceXML interpreter (VXI) ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*.vxi">
 +    <diag tag="0">VXI: VoiceXML document and application warnings</diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">VXI: VoiceXML log element output</diag>
 +    <diag tag="2">VXI: VoiceXML element logging</diag>
 +    <diag tag="3">VXI: VoiceXML grammar logging</diag>
 +    <diag tag="4">VXI: VoiceXML transitions</diag>
 +    <diag tag="5">VXI: VoiceXML log Contents (VoiceXML and Data XML/Json)</diag>
 +=== Telephony ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*.VXItel">
 +    <diag tag="0">VXItel: Signaling trace </diag>
 +=== Prompt ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*.VXIprompt">
 +    <diag tag="0">VXIprompt: Prompting trace </diag>
 +=== Recognize ===
 +<DiagnosticMessages moduleName="*.VXIrec">
 +    <diag tag="0">VXIrec: Recognition trace </diag>
 +    <diag tag="1">VXIrec: Grammar trace </diag>
 +==== Set the right TimeZone ====
 +Install the NTP package to synchronize your server to the world's time.
 +#timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York
 +or, for french servers,
 +#timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Paris
 +or automatically,
 +#dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
 +==== Monitor the file descriptors ====
 +List the file descriptors used by a process :
 +# ls -l /proc/[PID]/fd
 +==== Generate a CallStacks or Coredumps ====
 +Generate the threads stacks or a coredump file for the process (voximald) :
 +gdb -ex "thread apply all bt" --batch /usr/sbin/voximald $(pidof voximald) > /var/log/voximal/backtrace-voximald$(date +%s).txt
 +gdb /usr/sbin/voximald $(pidof voximald) -ex "gcore /tmp/toto.core" --batch
  • installation_guide/debug/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/02/19 16:10
  • by borja