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developer_guide:voxibot_howto [2018/06/05 16:11] – [set up voxibot with right package :] jehaddeveloper_guide:voxibot_howto [2018/07/11 14:20] (current) borja
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 ==== set up voxibot with right package : ==== ==== set up voxibot with right package : ====
-To be able to connect chatbot with voxibot we need specific database package which we would like to implement and integratetherefore the first step is to download the necessary data files from the source of voxibot platform. Our sources exist on GitHub [[|Voxibot]]. These files are the backbone of our communication process between chatbot engine and voxibot.+To be able to connect chatbot with voxibot we need specific database package which we would like to implement and integratetherefore the first step is to download the necessary data files from the source of voxibot platform. Our sources exist on GitHub [[|Voxibot]]. These files are the backbone of our communication process between chatbot engine and voxibot.
 ** Let's start ** ** Let's start **
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 Go and browse the folder and verify all the files. So By finishing these steps, you can start your chatbot integration with various engines. all you need now some credentials and set it on root.vxml file and conversation file depend on the engine. For instant conversation_watson.vxml in case of watson engine and so on. Go and browse the folder and verify all the files. So By finishing these steps, you can start your chatbot integration with various engines. all you need now some credentials and set it on root.vxml file and conversation file depend on the engine. For instant conversation_watson.vxml in case of watson engine and so on.
 You can find the Documentation regards to an engine that you want. click here [[developer_guide:voxibot_chatbot|Connecting with chatbot :]] You can find the Documentation regards to an engine that you want. click here [[developer_guide:voxibot_chatbot|Connecting with chatbot :]]
 +====configure voxibot:====
 +In this side we need to adapt our watson credential in easy way inside Voxibot, then by finishing these next  steps we will be able to talk to our chatbot thanks to voximal voice assistant. **Note**, We deal with Arabic language as we will see.
 +**Let's start step by step **
 +**Note : **Each step you edit or add something new you should do save/submit the apply config 
 +**1. ** To start configuring our voxibot firstly, go to **settings** then **voximal settings** to adjust our settings. 
 +**2. **  As shown below choose your API, in our case **HTTP or MRCP** which easy and support Arabic. Just copy and paste the link in **URI** http://[TTSSERVER]/tts/acapela/tts.php. **Pay attention** to format (alaw), save and apply config after finishing.
 +**3. ** We need  API recognition engine to print out and translate our input as a text to be understood by the chatbot. You need to have a credential key for Google or your favorite provider.
 +There are other engines can provide recognition features that depend on the quality and the language support.
 +**4. **  Create an account to assign it to a Number, this account will connect to the database to communicate with the chatbot, **URL** is the source where our essentials file located. set the speech to **Automatic** to avoid any issues,
 +**5. ** Set a call number to our account that just created, give it any number and name, the important part here is to set **destination**. it will be  **voximal application** and link it to the account name that should appear on the list because we just made it %%**(demo_server)**%%
 +**6. **  There are two files need to adapt to our case ** root.vxml ** and ** conversation_watson.vxml **
 +For the root file set the language that you want and supported by the provider  (engine). also Because we use Watson so our credential will be Watson credential, we explain how to get these credential from Watson in the top of this page. in addition, By setting your email address you can have the results of your calls and your communication logs with the chatbot.
 +**7. ** In **conversation_watson** put the language as you configure in root file. This depends on which workspace ID you want to communicate with.
  • developer_guide/voxibot_howto.1528215114.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/06/05 16:11
  • by jehad