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developer_guide:voicexml_references:elements:form [2015/10/27 12:37] (current) – created borja
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 +====== < form > ======
 +===== Description =====
 +Forms are key components in VoiceXML applications.  Forms collect user input and present information to the user. A form can define a field item (for collecting user input), or a control item (contains procedural items to help collect inputs).
 +===== Syntax =====
 +scope="dialog" | "document"
 +cleardtmf="true" | "false">
 +child elements
 +===== Attributes =====
 +|id|The id attribute defines the name of the form.  If specified, it can be referenced within the same document or from another document. e.g. <form id="hello"> can be referenced as <goto next="#hello"/>  This attribute is optional.|
 +|scope|The scope attribute defines the scope of the form’s grammar. This attribute is optional and defaults to dialog. dialog – the form’s grammars are only active within the form. document – the form’s grammars are active throughout the document.  If this is an application root document, then the form grammars are active throughout the application.|
 +===== Parents =====
 +===== Children =====
 +<block>, <catch>, <error>, <field>, <filled>, <grammar>, <help>, <initial>, <link>, <noinput>, <nomatch>, <object>, <property>, <record>, <script>, <subdialog>, <transfer>, <var>
 +===== Extensions =====
 +===== Limitations/Restrictions =====
 +===== Example Code =====
 +<?xml version="1.0"?>
 +<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="">
 + <form id="first">
 +  <block>
 +   <prompt>Hi, this is the first form</prompt>
 +   <goto next="#second"/>
 +  </block>
 + </form>
 + <form id="second">
 +  <block>
 +   <prompt>Thank you for coming to the second form</prompt>
 +  </block>
 + </form>
  • developer_guide/voicexml_references/elements/form.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/10/27 12:37
  • by borja