

Program-O, GPL


Program O is an AIML interpretor written in PHP, and uses a MySQL database to store chatbot information, including the AIML files used to formulate the chatbot's responses.

  • One click installation.
  • Fully loaded admin area to admin your chatbot.
  • Set up multiple chatbots.
  • Foreign language support.
  • XML/JSON responses or just plain HTML.
  • Massive community of users.
  • Twitter Plugins and lots and lots more.

Install :

For the moment, you need to use the Voximal branch with the gui/data. The VoiceXML script provided uses this gui to interact with the bot.

Note : To use the chatbot integration, your Voximal needs to be configured with the SpeechToText and TextToSpeech ressources.

Here an example of VoiceXML script :


  • Set the URL if your Program-O server,
  • Set the botid (bot ID),
  • Set the language (and change the prompts).
  • chatbotsproviders/program-o.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/01/02 22:47
  • by borja