Table of Contents

MP4 Call Recorder


MP4 Call Recorder is a special video call recorder function for Vxi/Asterisk.



Used to make a video recording of a channel. The channel's input and output voice/video packets are logged to files until the channel hangs.

file_format optionalif not set, defaults to “mp4”
fname_baseif set, changes the filename used to the one specified.
optionsuse this options: 'V' wait for first video I frame to start recording. '2' separate the calls in two different files. 'c' use a counter id to name the files
extension@contextmandatory, extension and context to execute.


mp4recorder(mp4,,V2,600@default) 	; wait for a first video to start recording
mp4recorder(mp4,/tmp/test.3gp,V,600@default) 	; record video to selected file

If you are working with AMR audio, it's recommended that you use 3gp as your file extension, if you want to play this content with a video player.

exten => video,1,Answer() 
exten => video,n,Wait(0) 
exten => video,n,mp4recorder(mp4,/tmp/recorder,V,video_dial@default) 
exten => video_play,1,Answer()
;exten => video_play,n,Vxml(${URL}) 
;exten => video_play,n,mp4play(/root/jefflew_h264.3gp)
exten => video_play,n,mp4play(/root/message1-gs.mp4)
exten => video_dial,1,Answer()
exten => video_dial,n,Dial(SIP/borja) 


Install from packages

Use root to install the packages. Unzip the video package by using the command:

tar xvfz video_V0-0_2008-08-18_i386.tar.gz

Go to the directory of the video and type the following command:

cd video_V0-0_2008-08-18

Check Asterisk Setup

Stop and Restart Asterisk on your server using the commands:

/etc/init.d/asterisk stop
/etc/init.d/asterisk start
asterisk -r

To see the currently installed version of asterisk:

*CLI> show version

To see the information about the application recorder:

*CLI> core show application mp4recorder