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< submit >


The <submit> element submits values to document server. It is similar to <goto> in that it results in a new document being obtained. Unlike <goto>, it lets you submit a list of variables to the document server via HTTP GET or HTTP POST.


namelist="variable1 variable2 ..."
method="get" | "post"
fetchhint="prefetch" | "safe"


nextThe next attribute is the URI to which the query is submitted. This attribute is required - specifically either next or expr is required.
exprThe expr attribute is an expression that yields the URI. This attribute is required - specifically either next or expr is required.
namelistThe namelist attribute is a space-separated list of variables to submit. This attribute is optional and defaults to nothing.
methodThe method attribute specifies the query request method, get or post. This attribute is optional and defaults to get.
enctypeThe enctype attribute is MIME encoding of the document. This attribute is optional and defaults to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The following types are supported:
* application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
* multipart/form-data.
fetchaudioThe fetchaudio attribute is the URI of the audio to play while waiting for the next document to be fetched.
fetchhintThe fetchhint defines when the audio file should be retrieved. This attribute is optional.
* prefetch – the audio file may be downloaded when the page is loaded.
* safe – the audio file is loaded only when needed.
maxageThe maxage attribute indicates the maximum time in seconds that this document will use this file before fetching another copy. This attribute is optional.
maxstaleThe maxstale attribute indicates the maximum time in seconds that this document will use a file that exceeded the maxage time. This attribute is optional.


<block>, <catch>, <error>, <filled>, <help>, <if>, <noinput>, <nomatch>






The attribute fetchhint = prefetch is not supported, and is optional in VoiceXML.

Example Code

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<vxml version="2.0" xmlns="">
 <form id="get_from_and_to_cities">
  <grammar src="from_to.grammar"/>
   Welcome to the Driving Directions By Phone.
  <initial name="bypass_init">
   <prompt>Where do you want to drive from and to?</prompt>
   <nomatch count="1">
    Please say something like this,
    "from Toronto Ontario to Ottawa Ontario".
   <nomatch count="2">
    I'm sorry, I still don't understand.
    I'll ask you for information one piece at a time.
    <assign name="bypass_init" expr="true"/>
  <field name="from_city">
   <grammar src="city.grammar"/>
   <prompt>From which city are you leaving?</prompt>
  <field name="to_city">
   <grammar src="city.grammar"/>
   <prompt>Which city are you going to?</prompt>
   <prompt>Retrieving directions</prompt>
   <submit next="direction.cgi" method="post"
   namelist="from_city to_city"/>