===== VoiceXML Example : Asterisk ===== **Play values with SayNumber/SayDigits**
The VoiceXML browser will use the Asterisk applications to play specific values. The xml:lang attribut is important to set the Asterisk language. Download : [[http://links.i6net.com/vxml_examples/asterisk/audio_app.vxml|audio_app.vxml]] **Get an Asterisk variable value**
Get an Asterisk variable value. The value is .
The VoiceXML browser will use the prefix 'execute:' to exchange with the Asterisk channel context. Download : [[http://links.i6net.com/vxml_examples/asterisk/transfer_get.vxml|transfer_get.vxml]] **Set an Asterisk variable**
Set an Asterisk variable.
The VoiceXML browser will use the prefix 'execute:' to exchange with the Asterisk channel context. Download : [[http://links.i6net.com/vxml_examples/asterisk/transfer_set.vxml|transfer_set.vxml]] **Set CDR userfield**
Set CDR user field. End of call.
The VoiceXML browser will use the Asterisk function CDR() to set a value in the CDR. Download : [[http://links.i6net.com/vxml_examples/asterisk/transfer_cdr.vxml|transfer_cdr.vxml]]