====== Text-To-Speech Guide ====== © 2014 I6NET Solutions and Technologies, all rights reserved ===== Purpose ===== The VXI%%*%% VoiceXML browser integrates an HTTP client interface to connect to an HTTP text-to-speech (TTS) server. This allows for dynamically generated audio content with a text-to-speech engine. Most VoiceXML browsers have an MRCP (Media Resource Control Protocol) interface to access text-to-speech features. The advantage however, of using the HTTP connector is that the “speech” generated is cached by the VoiceXML Browser, and re-used the next time. The text is posted via an HTTP request then the server responds with a standard wav file. Users can use the TTS to generate menus prompts, for example, without need to purchase a lot of TTS licenses. The integrated TTS packages use PHP, so you need to have an Apache/PHP already installed on your server (MySQL is optional, it allows to produce “CDR” like reporting information to evaluate the TTS using). ===== Scope ===== * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:flite_tts:start|Flite TTS]] * Mbrola TTS * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:loquendo_tts:start|Loquendo TTS]] * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:acapela_tts:start|Acapela TTS]] * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:cepstral_tts:start|Cepstral TTS]] * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:verbio_tts:start|Verbio TTS]] * [[legacy:text-to-speech_guide:voxygen_tts:start|Voxygen TTS]] * Nuance TTS * Neospeech TTS * Lumenvox TTS * Ivona TTS ===== Usage ===== You can you two type of connections * HTTP access * MRCP access ==== HTTP ==== To use TTS by HTTP, you need to configure vxi. In /etc/openvxi/client.cfg set ''**POST**'' value in ''**client.prompt.resource.0.method**'' key client.prompt.resource.0.method VXIString POST ==== HTTP ==== To use TTS by MCRP, you need to configure vxi, and configure asterisk to use TTS with MRCP. To configure VXI, set in ''**/etc/openvxi/client.cfg**'' the ''**ASTERISK**'' in ''**client.prompt.resource.0.method**'' key client.prompt.resource.0.method VXIString ASTERISK To configure asterisk, update the file ''**/etc/asterisk/mrcp.conf**'' [speech-loquendo-mrcp1] version = 1 server-ip = server-port = 554 resource-location = media speechsynth = speechsynthesizer speechrecog = speechrecognizer rtp-ip = ;rtp-ip = ;rtp-ext-ip = auto rtp-port-min = 5100 rtp-port-max = 5999 playout-delay = 50 ;min-playout-delay = 20 max-playout-delay = 200 ptime = 20 codecs = PCMU PCMA L16/96/8000 rtcp = 1 rtcp-bye = 2 rtcp-tx-interval = 5000 rtcp-rx-resolution = 1000