====== Verbio ASR ======
===== About =====
**Verbio Technologies **
Loreto 44\\
08029 Barcelona\\
Website: __[[http://www.verbio.com/|http://www.verbio.com]]__
===== Definition =====
Verbio is a company based in Barcelona (Spain), specializing in speech technologies, aimed basically at the Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American markets.
===== Languages =====
English (US) · French · Portuguese · Portuguese (Brazil) · Spanish(Argentina) · Spanish (Chile) · Spanish (Venezuela) · Spanish (Colombia) · Spanish (Cuba) · Spanish (Santo Domingo) · Spanish (Puerto Rico) · Spanish (Paraguay) · Spanish (Uruguay) · Spanish(Mexico) · Spanish (North America) · Spanish (Catalan) · Spanish (Valencia) · Spanish (Galician) · Spanish (Euskera)
===== Installation =====
If your distribution does not use 'rpm' nor 'deb' please contact Verbio Technologies staff (support@verbio.com). Download the package after contacting the Verbio sales.
# dpkg -i verbio-engines-x.yy.deb
# dpkg -i --force-overwrite verbio-clients-x.yy.deb
# dpkg -i --force-overwrite verbio-tts-*-x.yy.deb (for the TTS only)
# dpkg -i --force-overwrite verbio-asr-*-x.yy.deb
If you have a licence in a USB token, you need to install the USB token driver ('sntl-sud_x.y.z-w_i386.deb'). You will find sntl package in '/usr/share/doc/verbio'.
# cd /usr/share/doc/verbio
# dpkg -i sntl-sud_7.3.0-1_i386.deb
You need to reboot the server to enable the USB deamon ().
If you have a file licence, please copy it to '/opt/verbio/lic'.
Download and install the I6NET package to load the Asterisk module res_speech_verbio.so.
(This package contents the TTS scripts too.)
First unzip and untar the verbio package by using the command:
# tar xvzf verbio_Vx.x_date.tar.gz
Next, go to the directory of the verbio and type the following command:
# cd verbio_Vx.x_date
# ./install.sh
===== Configuration =====
To enable speech recognition, change the main speech parameter.
The “speech” parameter can get three values, “yes”, “automatic”, “no” or “emulation” (don’t generate errors if you enable speech grammars).
Don't set the speechdirectory parameter.
In the VoiceXML browser configuration file :
# ASR server configuration #
client.rec.resource.0.cacheDir VXIString /tmp/cacheContent
client.rec.resource.0.format VXIString txt
The following VoiceXML example uses the speech recognition, with the built in grammar, ‘digits.’