===== Voximal : Voximal Module Installation (and Upgrade) =====
The Voximal module package install :
* Voximal V14.x
Supported Linux Distribs :
* Linux Centos 6 32/64bit
* Linux Centos 7 32/64bit
* Linux Ubuntu 14.0
* Linux Debian 8 32/64bit
* Linux Raspbian 8 Arm
* Asterisk 11 to 16
* FreePBX 12-13 for the GUI/Web configuration interface)
* Isaabel (tests)
Note : You need to disable linuxSE (if you already installed Asterisk it should already done).
Note : You need the tar and gzip tools already installed on your server.
- You need to be root to process the installation.
- Untar the package.
- Enter in the directory voximal* created.
- Execute the install.sh script and follow the instructions (generaly answer 'y' for each questions).
- Check if the script already restarted your Asterisk, if not start your Asterisk,.
- When done, you see a new application, or and updated version (CLI> voximal show version).
- If you use FreePBX you will see a new items in the web interface to manage the Voximal Application.
[root]# ./install.sh
Module found: app_voximal.so.asterisk_v11.16.0
--- Voximal V14.0 Installation ---
Creating directories
Installing binaries
Installing VoiceXML examples
Installing default voximal.conf
Installing libraries
Installing Voximal module for asterisk
Installing additional sounds
User asterisk exists, set permissions
Restarting asterisk...............................................
--- Voximal V14.0 installation has finished ---
==== Extended features of the install script ====
# ./install.sh -h
Usage: ./install.sh [-d DIR ] [-u|-g] [-U user]
-d : install directory default is root /
-g : do not install gui modules
-u : do not generate uid.txt
-U : user for files permissions
-h : this help
==== Change the user and group for Asterisk ====
The best option is to use the option -U in the installation script :
#./install.sh -U user:group
If you want to run Asterisk without using the standard asterisk user, and doing that yourself, follow those steps.
[root]# chown -R user:group /etc/asterisk/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/spool/asterisk/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/lib/asterisk/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/log/asterisk/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/log/voximal/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/cache/voximal/
[root]# chown -R user:group /var/lib/voximal/vxml #(for local VoiceXML pages)
[root]# chown -R user:group /usr/share/voximal/
Check the deamon script and charge the reference to asterisk:asterisk to the chosen user:group.
Example (with Centos 7 script) :
Description=Asterisk PBX and telephony daemon
User=user # instead of asterisk
Group=group # instead of asterisk
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -C /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'core stop now'
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'core reload'
# safe_asterisk emulation
==== Configure Voximal from the Web interface ====
If you installation uses the FreePBX interface, you can manage the Voximal configuration/using from there.
Follow the links :
* [[installation_guide:configuration:start|Web Configuration]]
==== Configure Voximal in the Asterisk ====
In this mode you had install the Voximal in a standard Asterisk.
So you need to configure a dialplan to use the Voximal application.
Follow the links :
* [[installation_guide:asterisk:start|Voximal Asterisk integration]]
* [[installation_guide:configuration_file_voximal:start|Configuration file: voximal.conf]]
==== Test your installation ====
You have two simple ways to test and validate your installation :
* With a soft phone : [[installation_guide:softphone:start|Soft Phone connection]]
* With the test numbers : [[installation_guide:test:start|Call the test service]]