====== Voximal ChangeLog ======
The old name of Voximal is VXI* : [[vxi_installation_guide:changelog|full VXI* ChangeLog]]
Voximal is the new generation of [[vxi_installation_guide:changelog#120|VXI* 12.0]] , and integrates [[vxi_installation_guide:changelog#130|branch 13.0]]
====== 14.2 ======
* mod: Improve the AAI support. (Can be linked to User-To-User SIP header).
* mod: Improve the fetchaudio feature.
* mod: Add Google Assistant Dialogflow payload support.
* mod: Correction to ignore XML tags in the NLSML .
* mod: Important correction in the earlyspeech feature.
* add: Add ConfBridge conference application support (Transfer with conference: prefix).
* add: Add a property to manage the Google Credentials files name and allows serveral GoogleSpeech/GoogleDialogflow connexions.
* mod: Correction coredumps with command "clear cache" and files older than x days.
* add: Add