====== < catch > ====== ===== Description ===== The element catches events thrown from the VoiceXML application or the platform. The element associates a catch with a document, dialog or form item and contains executable content. The element catches an event with the name that either matches exactly with the event attribute or a prefix match. A prefix match means the event attribute is a token prefix of the thrown event, where the dot is the token separator. For example, is a prefix match for event telephone.disconnect.transfer. Please refer to Event Handling for the list of events and errors. ===== Syntax ===== child elements ===== Attributes ===== |event|This attribute indicates the event or events to catch. A space-separated list of events may be specified to catch multiple events. The empty string matches all events. This attribute is required.| |count|The count attribute allows you to handle different occurrences of the same event differently. Each
, and form item maintains a counter for each event that occurs while it is being visited. These counters are reset each time the or is re-entered. When there is more than one element catching the same event, it will visit the element with a smallest count that is greater or equal to the current counter. This attribute is optional.| |cond|The cond attribute is a Boolean condition that must evaluate to true in order for the element to catch the event. This attribute is optional.| ===== Anonymous Variables ===== There are two anonymous variables that are available within the scope of the element: * _event - the variable that contains the name of the event that was thrown. * _message - the variable that contains the message string from the corresponding element, or a platform-defined value for events raised by the platform. ===== Parents ===== , , , , , , , , ===== Children ===== ,